Borkum riff original

Borkum riff original

نوشته شده در تاریخ : 1400/08/19

توتون پیپ
معطر وانیلی
Borkum riff original
42.5 گرمی
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Pipe tobacco

محصولی باب طبع دوستداران توتون های آروماتیک

توتونی تهیه شده از ۶۰٪ بلک کوندیش از منطقه فیلیپین در کنار ۴۰٪ ویرجینیا از منطقه برزیل که هر کدام با روشی خاص و طی مراحلی طولانی عمل آوری و آماده مصرف در این ترکیب شده اند و نتیجه کار محصولی است آرومانیک با عطر و رایحه وانیل که در عین حال گیرایی بسیار مناسبی نیز دارد .

بصورت ریبون برش خورده است که بارگذاری و سوختن توتون را تسهیل می کند .

هوادهی قبل از بارگذاری در صورت نیاز ، فراموش نشود .

Borkum riff original
Pipe tobacco

Borkum Riff Original is a well-known pipe tobacco brand that has been around for more than 50 years. It is a Danish-style tobacco that is made from a blend of carefully selected Virginia, Kentucky, and Burley tobaccos. This blend creates a unique flavor that is rich, smooth, and satisfying.

One of the most distinctive features of Borkum Riff Original is its unique aroma. The tobacco is infused with a natural flavor that is derived from a secret blend of flavors, creating a pleasant aroma that is both rich and complex. The aroma is designed to appeal to both the smoker and those around them, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy smoking in social situations.

Borkum Riff Original is also known for its easy-to-smoke nature. The tobacco is cut into small pieces that are easy to pack into a pipe, and it burns evenly and smoothly, providing a consistent and enjoyable smoking experience. The tobacco is also relatively mild, making it a good choice for those who are new to pipe smoking or who prefer a milder tobacco.

Another advantage of Borkum Riff Original is its affordability. While some pipe tobacco brands can be quite expensive, Borkum Riff Original is priced to be accessible to a wide range of smokers. This makes it a good choice for those who want to enjoy a high-quality tobacco without breaking the bank.

Finally, Borkum Riff Original is a tobacco that has stood the test of time. It has been enjoyed by smokers around the world for more than 50 years, and it continues to be a popular choice for those who appreciate a good pipe tobacco. Whether you are a seasoned pipe smoker or a beginner, Borkum Riff Original is a tobacco that is well worth trying.

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Borkum riff original

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Borkum riff original

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